Is Your Electric Panel Safe to Use Anymore? Find Out Risks

As homeowners, we rely on our electrical panels to provide safe and reliable power to our homes. It's essential to be aware of the signs and you may need to replace the electrical panel.

However, as our homes age, so do our electrical panels. Overheating, unnatural noises, burning smells and circuit breaker tripping are all warning signs that your panel may be outdated and need replacement.

It's crucial to contact an electrical contractor in OKC if you're experiencing any of these issues.

Problem With the Old Panels

Old electrical panels can pose a severe safety hazard. Many of these older panels have undergone designs for lower power usage, and as our homes have become more dependent on electricity, these panels have become overloaded. It can lead to overheating, which can cause damage to that panel and the surrounding area. Overheating can also cause circuit breakers to trip, leaving you without power and can cause damage to your appliances and electronics.

Abnormal Noises from the Panels

An abnormal noise from your panel can also indicate that it needs replacement. If you hear buzzing or humming noises from it, this could mean a loose connection or a problem with the circuit breaker. Loose connections can cause arcing, which can be a fire hazard. If you hear any unusual noises from your panel, it's necessary to contact an electrical contractor near you immediately.

Smell of Burning Demands the Attention of Electrical Contractors

Another sign that your panel may need replacement is the smell of burning. If you smell burning from that panel or anywhere near your electrical system, it's essential to turn off your power immediately and contact an electrical contractor in OKC. Burning smells can indicate a serious electrical problem, and ignoring this warning can endanger you and your home.

Circuit Breakers Tripping

Circuit breaker tripping is a common problem that can indicate a problem with your electrical panel. If your circuit breaker trips frequently, it could mean an overloaded panel. The use of too many appliances or electronics at once can cause or indicate a sign of a more severe problem with your electrical system. If you're experiencing frequent circuit breaker trips, it is time to contact an electrical contractor to diagnose and fix the problem.

When to Contact an Electrical Contractor in OKC

Replacing your electrical panel is not a DIY project. Hiring a licensed and experienced electrical contractor ensures your panel replacement is safe and correct. Contacting a company like TMax Electric in OKC is essential to ensure electrical safety. Don't wait until it's too late to act – contact us today to schedule an appointment. Our team of licensed and experienced electricians will diagnose and fix any problems with your electrical system, so you can have peace of mind knowing that your home or business is safe and reliable.

In addition to replacing your electrical panel, TMax Electric can also provide a wide range of electrical services for your home or business. From electrical repairs and upgrades to lighting and installation, our team has the skills and expertise to handle all your electrical needs.